Thursday, April 18, 2024


"Tennessee bans chemtrails!" wappies* cheered, following the message on hoax site '100percentfedup', pointing at State Senate bill 2691, initiated by Senator Steve Southerland and Representative Monty Fritts.  

*'Wappie' is a Dutch umbrella term for magats, karens, anti-vaxxers, putin-lovers, racists, Trump-groupies, antisemites, anti-woke people, short: crazy people.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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The bill - in the actual world - would prohibit some forms of emissions, namely those aimed at geoengeneering. Or geo-engineering for Americans, because they have trouble reading words containing more than three syllables..

And no, contrails have no proven negative effects on human or animal health. 

This conspiracy on 'chemtrails!' at least gives regular people something to laugh about; chemtrails made wappies extremely 'woke':

"The planet must be protected! No more subsidies for the oil- and flight industry! They are changing the climate! I'm wearing a facemask outside!" Those anti-chemtrail wappies all turned into mega woke people. 

I know it's not nice to make fun of mentally challenged people like chemtrails conspiracy nutjobs but...bwahahahaha!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Undecided (a #poem)

It was like the sound of her gaze 
was meant to distract me 
from the smell of her thoughts 

Our shadows touched
and our tears collided

the game of love
went undecided


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Real life magic

Sometime I experience 'emotional leakage'. In other words: I cry. Even for no apparent reason. Not talking allergies here - unless I'm allergic to certain kind of emotions - but my tearbuds could be tickled by a sad piece of music, if the tv guide tells me Bambi will be on tv soon, hearing an uplifting story or whatever.

The other day even when I shot up from my desk chair: 'Oh no, I forgot my daughter's birthday!', ran to the toilet (we Dutch have a birthday calender in the bathroom. Very convenient) to quickly check and went 'See, it was's coming month. Pfew!' But it took me an hour to focus back on work again because the tears kept coming.

Knowing how easily emotional I can get, maybe I shouldn't follow wonderful instagram-accounts like Magic with Thomas (only click if you think your heart can handle the love and affection). Let alone respond to these kind of clips with:

"Thomas' interactions never fail to let me smile; what an amazing lad he is! My oldest daughter was complaining her younger sister was better at sports. But broke a smile when I told her - she was eight at the time - "She may be a better runner and climber but you can do magic!" "I can, dad?" "Yes, every single time you interact with people, if only you just cross looks, you make 'em smile." 

"I recognise that power in Thomas. 🥰" and people responding to it with: 'That's genuine beautiful!' Which is a sure way to summon the Waterlanders. Dutch expression again...'creatures living in Waterland...tears...', get it?

Here's another clip of this amazing young man bringing a smile to people's faces:
When I see the Scarlet Witch, I'll ask her to magically make people realise our eyes are placed horizontally and not vertically so everyone should film, holding their phone cameras horizontally. And we watch them horizontally too.

Perhaps I should follow Thomas' example and wear earphones to not get overwhelmed because my condition (some like to label it ADHD but - although I may experience all the symptoms - it's simply who and how I am) sometimes gets in the way of work or social interactions

It's worse when I'm 'not sitting nice in my skin at the moment' as the Dutch saying goes literally. 

Do you have a saying in your mother tongue meaning 'I'm a bit emotionally unstable at the moment and am not sure why. If you value your nose and limbs and hate to see a grown man crying, please keep your distance for a short while.'?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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